
Dad Jokes of the Week – 17 February 2023

If you missed any of our Dad Jokes over the last week, here is your opportunity to keep yourself up to date with the best damn Breakfast Show giggles around!

Be listening to the Breakfast Show just after 7:00 am weekdays to ensure you get your daily dose and be first card out of the deck for the day.

Monday: My other half told me that I should put a clean pair of socks on every day. By Friday, I couldn’t get my shoes on any more!

Elvis’ Bonus: What do dentists call their x-rays? Tooth pics!

Bob’s Bonus: Paddy turned up at the airport with two sacks of mobile phones over his shoulder. When quizzed about it he said “My friend Mick is starting a jazz band and asked me to pick him up two saxophones”!

Tuesday: I went out for a run last night, but had to go back after two minutes because I’d forgotten something. I’d forgotten that I’m fat, out of shape and can’t run for more than two minutes!

Wednesday: The inventor of the water jug died today. Tributes have been pouring in!

Bob’s Bonus: A guy rang up an airline to make a booking. The operator asked “How many are flying with you today?”. He replied “You tell me, it’s your aeroplane”!

Gerhard’s Bonus: I pulled a muscle digging for gold. It’s only a miner injury!

Thursday: I’ve just started a band called The Subtractions. Cos every time we start a set I get to say “Take it away boys”!

Gerhard’s Bonus: I’ve found that if you tuck one part of your pant legs into your sock, people expect less of you!

Friday: My mate said he was going to open a Scotch distillery. I said “Be careful, it’s a whiskey business”!

Sarah’s Grandmama Joke: Have you heard the joke about the roof? Don’t worry, it’s above your head!

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