Dad Jokes of the Week – 15 November 2024

Be listening to the Breakfast Show just after 7:00 am weekdays to ensure you get your daily dose and be first card out of the deck for the day.
Monday: Paddy and Mick were in a pub. Paddy was doing a crossword and asked Mick “How do you spell paint?” Mick replied “What colour?”
Elvis’ Bonus: I was at a restaurant last night and the waitress asked if I wanted to box for leftovers. I said I’m not a violent guy!
Bob’s Anagram Bonus: Laryngitis: Try sailing!
Paul’s Bonus: I dated a microbiologist – she was taller than I thought!
Tuesday: I had a date last night, and it was perfect. Tomorrow I’ll have a fig!
Bob’s Anagram Bonus: Toffees: Tees off!
Paul’s Bonus: What do you call a moose with no name? Anony-moose!
Wednesday: What do you call a drunk dinosaur? A staggersaurus!
Bob’s Anagram Bonus: Terminates: Main Street!
Elvis’ Bonus: Did you hear about the Italian chef? He pasta way, but before he died he was making a pizza but ran out of thyme. He cannoli do so much!
Paul’s Bonus: What do you call a bloke holding a shovel? Doug! What about after you take the shovel off him? Douglas!
Paul’s extra bonus: What do you all a one eyed dinosaur? A didgysaurus!
Thursday: I had a university fund, but I spent it on a boat and called it my scholar ship!
Chris’ Bonus: What do sophisticated kangaroos listen to? Hopera!
Bob’s Anagram Bonus: Presbyterian: Best in prayer!
Elvis’ Bonus: My mate bought an igloo in Alaska. I went to his house warming party, now he’s homeless!
Friday: A farmer once tried to sell me his bull. I didn’t buy it. He was charging too much!
Bob’s Anagram Bonus: Procedure: reproduce!
Bonus: I hate double negatives. They’re a no-no!